Welcome to Instant Science Teacher!
This page is still under construction. Feel free to explore, but do not attempt to purchase any lessons.
What is Instant Science Teacher?
In teaching high school science, I have found that students respond very well to step-by-step instructions and auditory learning. Because many scientific problems can be approached in similar ways, it is possible to learn a few basic techniques that will help you understand a multitude of problems. Unfortunately, the way to train these techniques is through lots of practice.
Each unit will consist of a written lesson accompanied by an audio podcast (mp3) of the lesson. These lessons will teach the material in a simple and straightforward manner, making use of step-by-step logic when at all possible. In addition, the unit will contain practice problems with separate step-by-step answer keys.
Basic Chemistry and Physics - How does it work?
I am working to fill out the content of the website as quickly as possible. The Chemistry content will be included first, followed by the Physics content. My goal is to provide understandable introductions to as many basic chemistry and physics concepts as possible.
The first step you should take is to look at the free lessons provided, to make sure the content will work on your computer, and that you like my style of presenting material. Once you have decided that you would like to download a lesson, simply add your desired material to the cart and check out. You can either decide to buy an entire unit for $5 or buy individual pieces of the unit for $1 a piece.
After checking out, you will be able to instantly download the content that you have purchased. This content is under copyright and purchase entitles the buyer to personal use. This means that copies can not be made for distribution to other people. Files and mp3s can not be forwarded to other people. The only sharing at all that is permissible is within your immediate family (siblings, parents, and children).
If you have any questions about allowed use, please feel free to contact me at: instantscienceteacher@craftedbykate.com
What is your Background?
My passion for science started early in life. I enjoyed a variety of subjects through high school, but in my junior and senior years I decided to double up in science to begin pursuing the subject seriously. I graduated from Franklin and Marshall College magna cum laude with a double major in Chemistry and Physics. After earning my Master's degree in Chemistry and Chemical Biology from Cornell University, I truly knew that my passion was to teach high school science. Although my focus has been on teaching Chemistry and Physics courses, I have also taught Biology, Introductory Advanced Placement Chemistry, and Introductory Organic Chemistry.